Monday 2 September 2013

This is Samsung's Galaxy Gear smartwatch: A blocky health track

Samsung is situated to uncover its Galaxy Gear smartwatch next Wednesday, Sept. 4, in Berlin. Anyhow this weekend, we got a first take a gander at the watch.

Here it is.
The press has been estimating about the equipment and plan, and releasing data, since word got out that the organization might be planning its smartwatch to adversary new but to-be-discharged devices from Sony, Apple and Pebble.

We've been talking with sources to divide certainty from fiction. What's more this weekend, a source demonstrated to us one of the models sent to designers and a couple of select accomplices. Note that Samsung is exceptionally security cognizant in securing its outlines, and once in a while sends off models that don't mirror the last outline.  But it won't be distant.

For additional pictures of the smartwatch in activity, don't miss our exhibition beneath.

My source, who asked for obscurity, likewise demonstrated to me an interior special showcasing motion picture for the watch. The film was not improved by Samsung, however by a free group working nearly with Samsung. I wasn't permitted to photo the smartwatch itself, yet I snapped a couple of stills from the film, which obviously demonstrates the high caliber OLED showcase, with its square screen. I likewise made a few representations dependent upon my chance with the watch.

I'll walk you through the specs, then after that offer a couple of bits of knowledge about potential utilize cases for Samsung's smartwatch. Health and fitness addicts will be interested. My beginning impression was that its another wearable fitness apparatus to adversary a Nike Fuelband or Fitbit Flex — a cell phone partner as opposed to a cell phone elective.
Source: Venture Beat

Sunday 1 September 2013

New pictures of Sony Smartshot Qx10 and Qx100 release, pegged at $250 and $450 individually

We have been catching wind of and seen a few pictures of Sony's shocking Polaroid extra for cell phones that is fundamentally a titan Polaroid that snaps onto the again of your existing cell phone. Right away we have some more pictures, in addition to the costs these apparatuses will be offering for.

As we had studied in the recent past, there will be two of these, with shifting particulars. Named the Smartshot Qx10 and the Smartshot Qx100, the previous will have a 18 megapixel sensor with f/3.3-5.9 optics although the recent will have a 20.2 megapixel Polaroid with f/1.8-4.9 optics.

While on paper the determination may not sound all that incredible anymore, its imperative to recall that that these mechanisms will have much greater sensors contrasted with universal cell phone Polaroids. Additionally, you have fitting optical zoom with Carl Zeiss optics and optical picture stabilization.

Both the embellishments will snap onto the once more of your existing cell phone and interface with it over Wi-Fi utilizing Sony's Playmemories application (which is likewise used to match your cell phone with Sony focus and shoot Polaroids for exchanging pictures).

The Qx10 and the Qx100 are said to be valued at $250 and $450 separately, and will be advertised on September 4 plus the Xperia H1 in Berlin. We'll have more data and confidently some specimen pictures then, in addition to an acceptable reply to who precisely this is focused at and why that individual shouldn't just convey a divide camer 

Saturday 31 August 2013

Moving Skeleton Will Now Rush on Your Android Device

Here is an app that adds more fear in the form of fun on your android device the Developer says:
Moving Skeleton is a FREE LIVE WALLPAPER!

You can browse numerous radiant live wallpapers in our record, we are certain that you can discover the best for you and your telephone.

TO USE: Home -> Press MENU -> Wallpapers -> Live Wallpapers -> Dancing Skeleton Wallpaper

We have put a great deal of work into this application to present to you the Best App experience conceivable.

To endeavor to keep this App 100% Free we have incorporated an adaptation stage.

This free application is notice backed and might hold ads in the warning tray or home screen.

We impart information to an administration supplier, Applovin Corporation.the utilization of your information by Applovin is liable to Applovin's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Both strategies are accessible at 

Monday 26 August 2013

Windows 8.1 will be Available Soon

Windows 8.1 the redesign for Windows 8 was started as a snapshot on June 26 and Microsoft guaranteed the RTM (discharge to assembling) bits of Windows 8.1 for OEM Partners in late August. Be that as it may, people in general arrival of RTM bits hasn't been advertised yet, by Microsoft. Presently, another report claims that Microsoft could close down the RTM construct of Windows 8.1 'any day' which might then be discharged for open and for OEM's to place it in their units.

Saturday 10 August 2013

An Expert's Review About Windows 8

Windows 8 comes with an entirely new interface — one that will surprise many users with its ease of use. Microsoft’s overridinggoal in creating Windows 8 is to make the user interface easier to understand and more intuitive to use. This is also the first version of the operating system designed with tablet and phone users in mind. If you know how to perform a task on a phone or tablet, it’s
quite likely that you also know how to perform that task using Windows 8. The new Start screen provides a fully touch-interactiv environment in which you can use the same gestures as you use for any of the smaller devices you own. Of course, most people also need to perform tasks that rely on a more standard computer interface. With this in mind, you can also access the traditional Desktop interface and use it to work with applications such as Office or your organization’s database application. The traditional Desktop interface also provides access to the same configuration and setup features you’ve used in the past. Administrators will still find all their favorite tools in Windows 8 and rely on the traditional Desktop interface to use them.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Making your post links pretty

Pretty permalinks are links that are more pleasing to the eye than standard links and, ultimately, more pleasing to search-engine spiders. (See Book V for an explanation of why search engines like pretty permalinks.) Pretty permalinks look something like this:

Break down that URL, and you see the date when the post was made, in year/month/day format. You also see the topic of the post.

To choose how your permalinks look, click Permalinks in the Settings
drop-down list. The Permalink Settings page opens.

In this page, you can find several options for creating permalinks:

✦ Default (ugly permalinks): WordPress assigns an ID number to each

blog post and creates the URL in this format: http://yourdomain.

✦ Day and Name (pretty permalinks): For each post, WordPress generates
a permalink URL that includes the year, month, day, and post slug/title:

✦ Month and Name (also pretty permalinks): For each post, WordPress
generates a permalink URL that includes the year, month, and post

✦ Numeric (not so pretty): WordPress assigns a numerical value to the
permalink. The URL is created in this format: http://yourdomain.

✦ Custom Structure: WordPress creates permalinks in the format you
choose. You can create a custom permalink structure by using tags
or variables, as we discuss in the following section.

To create the pretty-permalink structure, select the Day and Name radio
button; then click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

Friday 26 July 2013

Microsoft :We have no arrangements to present a Xbox One without Kinect

As per another report, Microsoft has no arrangements on discharging a Xbox One support without anyone else present. Rather, Microsoft "accepts" in the Kinect and will be putting forth it with the Xbox One amusement reassure in November for a sticker of $499. Those wishing to buy the Xbox One without anyone else present ought not keep their trusts up.

We have faith in Kinect and the quality it carries to both amusements and amusement, and accept $499 is an incredible worth for what purchasers get with their Xbox One," a Microsoft agent expressed. Microsoft imparted this reaction to gossip that was coursing on the web asserting that Microsoft might actually be discharging a without kinect Xbox One throughout the June through August timeframe of 2014.

Microsoft: We have no arrangements to present a Xbox One without Kinect

Sadly, that is not incident. Nonetheless, Microsoft might alter their opinions later in the future. Afterall, Microsoft as of late altered their opinions on the Xbox One DRM approach, besides everything else, after a huge clamor from furious gamers. The present arrangement includes each Xbox One diversion support to come packed with a Kinect, which is supposedly ten times more effective than the first ever Kinect.

Do you accept the Xbox One + Kinect cluster is an extraordinary arrangement for $499? Might you rather just buy the Xbox One without anyone else's input?

Google has a different set-top T

We heard reports that Google was finalizing another set-top box, however when the Chromecast was reported, the unanticipated supposition was that this was the unit. Evidently there is an additional mechanism in the pipeline, however shockingly we don't know whether it will ever turn out. It was really alluded to as a "silly" set-top box a few months back. The Wall Street Journal is presently reporting that Google truly demonstrated the model in private again at CES 2013.

It was fueled by Android and demoed by Andy Rubin. It even had a motion picture Polaroid and movement sensor for Hangouts. The definitive arrange was to start this apparatus at Google I/o, however clearly that didn't happen. Did Google scrap anticipates the unit energetic about the Chromecast or is there space for the two apparatuses. Of course Google didn't make a remark on this theme, yet one thing they did say was that Google TV isn't dead. Indeed, the arrangement is to carry the Chromecast characteristic to Google Tvs soon.

The Chromecast appears as though an astounding apparatus, however to me its not the sacred vessel. It doesn't have nearby media streaming and it doesn't have HDMI pass through like Google TV boxes. Notwithstanding, at $35 it is an exceptionally urging item for generally individuals. I still think Google is running to turn out with yet a different item that has more characteristics to fulfill the force eager clients.

Wednesday 24 July 2013


The first pillar of my daily action on the Web is content. Although the Web has seen a growing shift away from content to community, I still believe

that content is king. Communities based around common interests fall flat unless they have the content there for people to gravitate around. Facebook groups, for example, dominate because of the wealth of content they offer: the posts, links, videos, and other media people create within that group. Without the content, the group wouldn’t exist.

Using the tag for images

When you use the WordPress image uploader to include an image in your
post or page, a Description text box appears, in which you can enter a
description of the image. (We cover using the WordPress image uploader
in detail in Book IV, Chapter 3.) This text automatically becomes what’s
referred to as the <ALT> tag.

The <ALT> tag’s real purpose is to provide a description of the image for

people who, for some reason or another, can’t actually see the image. In a
text-based browser that doesn’t display images, for example, visitors see the
description, or <ALT> text, telling them what image would be there if they
could see it. Also, the tag helps people who have impaired vision and rely on
screen-reading technology because the screen reader reads the <ALT> text
from the image. You can read more about Web site accessibility for people
with disabilities at
An extra benefit of <ALT> tags is that search engines gather data from them
to further classify the content of your site. The following code inserts an
image, with the <ALT> tag of the code in bold to demonstrate what we’re
talking about:

<img src=”” alt=”This is an ALT tag within an
image” />

Search engines harvest those <ALT> tags as keywords. The WordPress
image uploader gives you an easy way to include those <ALT> tags without
having to worry about inserting them into the image code yourself. Just fill
out the Description text box before you upload and add the image to your
post. Book IV, Chapter 3 covers in-depth information on adding images to
your site content, including how to add descriptive text for the ALT tag and

Creating categories that attract search engines

One little-known SEO tip for WordPress users: The names you give the
categories you create for your blog provide rich keywords that attract
search engines like bees to honey. A few services — Technorati (http:// being one of the biggest — treat categories in WordPress like tags. These services use those categories to classify recent blog posts on any given topic. The names you give your categories in WordPress can serve as topic tags for Technorati and similar services.
Search engines also see your categories as keywords that are relevant to the content on your site. So, make sure that you’re giving your categories names that are relevant to the content you’re providing on your site.
If you sometimes blog about your favorite recipes, you can make it easier for search engines to find your recipes if you create categories specific to the recipes you’re blogging about. Instead of having one Favorite Recipes category, you can create multiple category names that correspond to the types of recipes you blog about — Casserole Recipes, Dessert Recipes, Beef Recipes, and Chicken Recipes, for example.

Creating specific category titles not only helps search engines, but also
helps your readers discover content that is related to topics they are inter-
ested in.
You can also consider having one category called Favorite Recipes and creating subcategories (also known as child categories) that give a few more details on the types of recipes you’ve written about. (See Book III, Chapter 7, for information on creating Categories and child categories.)
Categories use the custom permalink structure, just like posts do. So, links
to your WordPress categories also become keyword tools within your site
to help the search engines — and, ultimately, search engine users — find
the content. Using custom permalinks creates category page URLs that look
something like this:

The category_name portion of that URL puts the keywords right into the hands of search engines.

Writing content with readers in mind

When you write your posts and pages, and want to make sure that your con-
tent appears in the first page of search results so that people will find your
site, you need to keep those people in mind when you’re composing the

When search engines visit your site to crawl through your content, they
don’t see how nicely you’ve designed your site. They’re looking for words — which they’re grabbing to include in their databases. You, the site owner, want to make sure that your posts and pages use the words and phrases that you want to include in search engines.
If your post is about a recipe for fried green tomatoes, for example, you need
to add a keyword or phrase that you think people will use when they search
for the topic. If you think people would use the phrase recipe for fried green
tomatoes as a search term, you may want to include that phrase in the con-
tent and title of your post.
A title such as A Recipe I Like isn’t as effective as a title such as A Recipe for Fried Green Tomatoes, right? Including it in your post or page content gives the search engines a double-keyword whammy.

Here’s another example: Lisa once wrote a post about a rash that she devel-
oped on her finger, under her ring. She wrote that post well over a year Book IV
ago, not really meaning to attract a bunch of people to that particular post. Chapter 6
However, it seems that many women around the world suffer from the same
rash because, a year later, that post still gets at least one comment a week.
When people do a Google search by using the keywords rash under my wed-
ding ring, out of a possible 743,000 results returned, Lisa’s blog post appears
in the top five slots.
This is how great blogs are! Lisa was actually able to solve her problem with the rash under her finger because one woman from Australia found Lisa’s blog through Google, visited her blog post, and left a comment with a solution that worked. Who says blogs aren’t useful?

Planting keywords in your Web site

If you’re interested in a higher ranking for your site, we strongly recommend using custom permalinks. By using custom permalinks, you’re automatically inserting keywords into the URLs of your posts and pages, letting search

engines include those posts and pages in their databases of information on those topics. If a provider that has the Apache mod_rewrite module enabled hosts your site, you can use the custom permalink structure for your WordPress-powered site.

Keywords are the first step on your journey toward great search engine
results. Search engines depend on keywords, and people use keywords to look for content.
The default permalink structure in WordPress is pretty ugly. When you’re
looking at the default permalink for any post, you see a URL something like

This URL contains no keywords of worth. If you change to a custom permalink structure, your post URLs automatically include the titles of your posts to provide keywords, which search engines absolutely love. A custom permalink may appear in this format:

We explain setting up and using custom permalinks in full detail in Book III,
Chapter 3.
Optimizing your post titles for search engine success
Search engine optimization doesn’t completely depend on how you set up
your site. It also depends on you, the site owner, and how you present your
You can present your content in a way that lets search engines catalog your
site easily by giving your blog posts and pages titles that make sense and
coordinate with the actual content being presented. If you’re doing a post
on a certain topic, make sure that the title of the post contains at least one
or two keywords about that particular topic. This practice gives the search
engines even more ammunition to list your site in searches relevant to the
topic of your post.
While your site’s presence in the search engines grows, more people will find your site, and your readership will increase as a result.
A blog post with the title A Book I’m Reading doesn’t tell anyone what book you’re reading, making it difficult for people searching for information on that particular book to find the post.

If you give the post the title WordPress All-in-One For Dummies: My Review, you provide keywords in the title, and (if you’re using custom permalinks) WordPress automatically inserts those keywords into the URL, giving the search engines a triple keyword play:

✦ Keywords exist in your blog post title.
✦ Keywords exist in your blog post URL.
✦ Keywords exist in the content of your post.

Optimizing Your WordPress Blog

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of preparing your site to
make it as easy as possible for the major search engines to crawl and cache
your data in their systems so that your site appears as high as possible in
the search returns. Book V contains more information on search engine opti-
mization, as well as marketing your blog and tracking its presence in search
engines and social media by using analytics. This section gives you a brief
introduction to SEO practices with WordPress, and from here, you can move
on to Book V to take a real hard look at some of the things you can do to
improve and increase traffic to your Web site.

If you visit Google’s search engine page at and do a

search for the keywords WordPress blog design, Lisa’s site at E.Webscapes
is in the top-ten search results for those keywords (at least, it is while we’re
writing this chapter). Those results can change from day to day, so by the
time you read this book, someone else may very well have taken over that
coveted position. The reality of chasing those high-ranking search engine
positions is that they’re here today, gone tomorrow. The goal of search
engine optimization is to make sure that your site ranks as high as possible
for the keywords that you think people will use to find your site. After you
attain those high-ranking positions, the next goal is to keep them. Check out
Search Engine Optimization For Dummies, by Peter Kent (Wiley), for some
valuable information on keeping those high rankings through ongoing opti-
mization of your site.
WordPress is equipped to create an environment that’s friendly to search
engines, giving them easy navigation through your archives, categories,
and pages. WordPress provides this environment with a clean code base,
content that’s easily updated through the WordPress interface, and a solid
navigation structure.
To extend search engine optimization even further, you can tweak five elements of your WordPress posts, pages, and templates:
✦ Custom permalinks: Use custom permalinks, rather than the default
WordPress permalinks, to fill your post and page URLs with valuable
keywords. Check out Book III, Chapter 3 for information on WordPress
✦ Posts and page titles: Create descriptive titles for your blog posts and
pages to provide rich keywords in your site.
✦ Text: Fill your blog posts and pages with keywords for search engines
to find and index. Keeping your site updated with descriptive text and
phrases helps the search engines find keywords to associate with your

✦ Category names: Use descriptive names for the categories you create in
WordPress to place great keywords right in the URL for those category
pages, if you use custom permalinks.
✦ Images and ALT tags: Place <ALT> tags in your images to further define
and describe the images on your site. You can accomplish this task
easily by using the description field in the WordPress image upload

Working with Custom Post Types

A new feature in WordPress (new as of version 3.0) is a feature called
custom post types. This feature allows you, the site owner, to create different content types for your WordPress site that give you more creative control over how different types of content are entered, published, and displayed on your WordPress Web site.
Personally, we wish WordPress had called this feature custom content types so that people didn’t incorrectly think that custom post types pertain to posts only. Custom post types aren’t really the posts that you know as blog posts. Custom post types are a different way of managing content on your blog, by defining what type of content it is, how it is displayed on your site, and how it operates — but they’re not necessarily posts.
By default, WordPress already has different post types built into the software, ready for you to use. These default post types include

✦ Blog posts
✦ Pages
✦ Navigation menus (see Book VI) ✦ Attachments
✦ Revisions

Custom post types give you the ability to create new and useful types of
content on your Web site, including a smart and easy way to publish those content types to your site.
You really have endless possibilities for how to use custom post types, but
here are a few ideas that can kick-start your imagination (they’re some of the
most popular and useful ideas that others have implemented on their sites):

✦ Photo gallery
✦ Podcast or video

✦ Book reviews

✦ Coupons and special offers ✦ Events calendar
In order to create and use custom post types on your site, you need to be
sure that your WordPress theme contains the correct code and functions. In
the following steps, we create a very basic custom post type called Generic
Content. Follow these steps to create the Generic Content basic custom post
1. Click Editor in the Appearances drop-down list to open the Theme
Editor page.
2. Click the Theme Functions template link to open the functions.php
file in the text editor on the left side of the page.
3. Add the custom post types code to the bottom of the Theme Functions
template file.
Scroll down to the bottom of the functions.php file and include the
following code to add a Generic Content custom post type to your site:
add_action( ‘init’, ‘create_my_post_types’ );

function create_my_post_types() {
register_post_type( ‘generic_content’,
‘label’ => __( ‘Generic Content’ ),
‘singular_label’ => __( ‘Generic Content’ ),
‘description’ => __( ‘This is a description of the Generic Content type’
‘public’ => true,
4. Click the Update File button to save the changes made to the func-
tions.php file.

The function register_post_type can accept several different arguments and parameters, which are detailed in Table 6-2. You can use a variety and combination of different arguments and parameters to create a specific
post type. You can find more information on custom post types and using the register_post_types function in the official WordPress Codex at
After you complete the preceding steps to add the Generic Content custom post type to your site, a new post type labeled Generic appears in the left navigation menu of the Dashboard.


You can add and publish new content by using the new custom post type,
just like when you write and publish blog posts (see Book IV, Chapter 1).
The published content isn’t added to the chronological listing of blog posts,
but rather, it’s treated like separate content from your blog (just like static
View the permalink for it, and you see that it adopts the post type name
Generic Content and uses it as part of the permalink structure, creating a
permalink that looks like

✦ Custom Post Types UI: Written by the folks at WebDevStudios (http://, this plugin gives you a clean interface within
your WordPress Dashboard that can help you easily and quickly build
custom post types on your Web site. It eliminates the need to add the
code (discussed earlier in this section) to your functions.php file
by giving you options and settings so that you can configure and build
the custom post type that you want.
✦ Verve Meta Boxes: Available from Magento Developers in the
WordPress Plugin Directory (
plugins/verve-meta-boxes), this plugin provides an interface
in your Dashboard that you can use to create meta boxes, or special
custom fields (see Book IV, Chapter 5) for the custom post types that
you build. As an example, Figure 6-7 shows some custom meta boxes
built by using custom post types. This Web site features theater produc-
tions and the custom post types for those shows.
The Purchase Link boxes were created by using custom meta
boxes and give the Web site owner a quick and easy field to fill out so
that he or she can include information on where to purchase show tick-
ets in every show post published.