Monday 22 July 2013

WordPress Blog


When you first install WordPress, by default, the WordPress Development

Blog module displays the two most recent updates from the official WordPress
Development Blog at You see the title of the
last post, the date it was published, and a short excerpt of the post. Click a
title to go directly to that post on the WordPress Development Blog.

We highly recommend following the updates of the WordPress Development
Blog. Every single time you log in to your WordPress Dashboard, a glance at
this section informs you about any news, updates, or alerts from the makers
of WordPress. You can find out about any new versions of the software,
security patches, or other important news regarding the software you’re
using to power your blog.

Although we recommend that you keep the WordPress Development Blog

updates in this section, the WordPress platform lets you change this module to display posts from another blog of your choosing. You can accomplish this change by following these steps:

1. Hover your mouse over the WordPress Development Blog module
title and click the Configure link that appears to the right.

The module changes to display several options for adjusting the information contained in the module (see Figure 1-8).

2. Type your preferred RSS feed in the Enter the RSS Feed URL Here

text box.

3. Type your preferred title in the Give the Feed a Title (Optional)
text box.

4. Select a number from the How Many Items Would You Like to Display
drop-down list.

The default is 2, but you can display up to 20 by making a different selection from the drop-down list.

5. Specify whether you want to display the item’s content.

Item content refers to the text content of the post. If you don’t select the Display Item Content check box, WordPress doesn’t display an excerpt of the post — only the post title.

6. Specify whether you want to display the name of the person who
wrote the post.

Leave the Display Item Author if Available check box unchecked if you don’t want the author’s name displayed.

7. Specify whether you want to display the date.

Leave the Display Item Date check box unchecked if you don’t want the date displayed.

8. Click the Submit button to save your changes.

The Dashboard page refreshes with your new changes.

If you change your mind, click the Cancel link that appears to the right of the WordPress Development Blog title. Clicking Cancel discards any changes you made and keeps the original settings intact.

The title of the WordPress Development Blog module changes to the title
you chose in Step 3 of the preceding list. Figure 1-9 shows that we changed
the title to Lisa’s Blog, which now displays the RSS Feed from Lisa’s blog,
using the Feed URL:


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