Monday 22 July 2013

Recent Drafts

If you’re using a brand-new WordPress blog and this is a new installation,

the Recent Drafts module displays the message There Are No Drafts at the
Moment because you haven’t written any drafts. As time goes on, however,
and you write a few posts in your blog, you may save some of those posts
as drafts — to be edited and published later. Those drafts show up in the

If you’re using a brand-new WordPress blog and this is a new installation,

the Recent Drafts module displays the message There Are No Drafts at the
Moment because you haven’t written any drafts. As time goes on, however,
and you write a few posts in your blog, you may save some of those posts
as drafts — to be edited and published later. Those drafts show up in the
Recent Drafts module.

The Recent Drafts module displays up to five drafts, showing for each the

title of the post, the date it was last saved, and a short excerpt. A View All

link also appears; click that link to go the Manage Posts page, where you can view, edit, and manage your blog posts (check out Book IV, Chapter 2 for more information). Figure 1-7 displays the Recent Drafts module, with five posts in draft status, awaiting publication.



The Recent Drafts module displays up to five drafts, showing for each the

title of the post, the date it was last saved, and a short excerpt. A View All

link also appears; click that link to go the Manage Posts page, where you can view, edit, and manage your blog posts (check out Book IV, Chapter 2 for more information). Figure 1-7 displays the Recent Drafts module, with five posts in draft status, awaiting publication.




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