Monday 22 July 2013

Using a Caching System for Speed and Performance

✦ Page: Builds and stores (in your Web server memory) all the pages

on your Web site. Page caches generally have an expiration date. In

case you update content on your Web pages, the cache will eventually rebuild itself to capture changes you make.

✦ Database: Reduces Web server overhead by storing and remembering
database tables and queries made by WordPress.

✦ Browser: Stores Web pages on the visitor’s local storage so when she

revisits your site, her browser displays the page from her hard drive

memory, instead of rebuilding it and calling it from your server. Browser
caches have an expiration date, so any changes you make can be cap-
tured again in the future (your site visitors can also set their browser
settings to disable cache — so this may not work for everyone who
visits your site).

✦ Object: Stores data objects or HTML structures, which can increase

server load because, without a caching system, they need to be rebuilt each time the site is loaded in a visitor’s Web browser. Object caching helps the overall caching system by storing complete Web pages and saving them for future loads of your site.


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