Monday 22 July 2013

Using a Caching System for Speed and Performance

A good way to improve the speed of your Web site is through caching differ-

ent types of content. Caching content means to store it transparently so that it
can be used for future loads of your Web site. A good caching system for your
Web site collects all the Web pages on your site and copies, stores, and deliv-
ers the files to visitors of your Web site. This significantly reduces the server
load because without it, WordPress creates pages on your Web site dynami-
— each time a visitor loads your Web site, calls are made to the data-

base and code is complied and executed each time to create the page in her
browser. If you use a good caching program, those files are already built and
displayed, so your Web server doesn’t need to rebuild those pages each time.

The following are the different types of caching that can improve your site performance:


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