Wednesday 24 July 2013


The Users drop-down list has three links:

✦ Users: Go to the Users page, where you can view, edit, and delete users
on your WordPress blog. Each user has a unique login name and pass-
word, as well as an e-mail address assigned to his account. You can view
and edit a user’s information on the Users page.
✦ Add New: Opens the Add New User page, where you can add new users
to your WordPress blog. Simply type the user’s username, first name,
last name, e-mail (required), Web site, and a password in the fields pro-
vided and click the Add User button. You can also select whether you
want WordPress to send login information to the new user by e-mail. If
you want, you can also assign a new role for the new user. Turn to the
section “Configuring the Settings,” earlier in this chapter, for more info
about user roles.
✦ Your Profile: Turn to the “Creating Your Personal Profile” section, ear-
lier in this chapter, for more information about creating a profile page.


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