Wednesday 24 July 2013


The next item in the navigation menu is Plugins. Click Plugins to expand the drop-down list:
✦ Plugins: Opens the Plugins page, where you can view all the plugins cur-
rently installed on your blog. On this page, you also have the ability to
activate, deactivate, and delete plugins on your blog (see Book VII).
✦ Add New: Opens the Install Plugins page, where you can search for
plugins from the official WordPress Plugin Directory by keyword,
author, or tag. You can also install plugins directly to your blog from the WordPress Plugin Directory — you can find out all about this exciting feature in Book VII, Chapter 1.
✦ Editor: Opens the Edit Plugins page, where you can edit the plugin files
in a text editor. We very strongly advise against editing plugin files
unless you know what you’re doing (meaning that you’re familiar with
PHP and WordPress functions). Head over to Book VII, Chapter 4 to read
more information on editing plugin files.


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