Monday 22 July 2013

Right Now

The Right Now module in the Dashboard shows what’s going on in your blog right now — right this very second! Figure 1-2 shows the expanded Right Now module in a brand-spanking-new WordPress blog.



The Right Now module shows the following default information below the Content and Discussion headers:
✦ The number of posts you have: This number reflects the total number of
posts you currently have in your WordPress blog; the blog in Figure 1-2
has one post. The number is blue, which means it’s a clickable link. When
you click the link, you go to the Edit Posts page, where you can edit the
posts on your blog. We cover editing posts in Book IV, Chapter 1.

✦ The number of pages: The number of pages on your blog, which
changes when you add or delete pages. (Pages, in this context, refer
to the static pages you create in your blog.) Figure 1-2 shows that the blog has three pages.
Clicking this link takes you to the Edit Pages page, where you can view, edit, and delete your current pages. (Find the difference between
WordPress posts and pages in Book IV, Chapter 2.)
✦ The number of categories: The number of categories on your blog,
which changes when you add and delete categories. Figure 1-2 shows
that this blog has one category.
Clicking this link takes you to the Categories page, where you can view,
edit, and delete your current categories or add brand-new ones. (For
details about the management and creation of categories


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