Monday 22 July 2013

Discovering the admin bar

New to WordPress 3.1 is a navigation menu,
the admin bar, which you see across the top of
Figure 1-1. The admin bar appears at the top of
every page on your site, by default, and across
the top of every page of the Dashboard if you
set it to do so in your profile settings (Chapter 3
of this minibook). The nice thing is that the
only person who can see the admin bar is you
because it displays only for the user who is
logged in. The admin bar contains shortcuts
that take you to the most frequently viewed
areas of your WordPress Dashboard. Across
the top, from left to right you find that your photo
and name display with a drop-down menu when
you hover on them. The drop-down menu pro-
vides you with quick links to three areas in
your Dashboard: Edit Your Profile, Dashboard,
and Log Out. The next link in the admin bar is

called New; hover on that and you find links to
Post and Page, which you click to go to either
the Add New Post page or the Add New Page
screen. The next link is Comments; click that
and visit the Manage Comments page in your
Dashboard. The last link is Appearance; hover
on that link and the Widgets and Menus links
appear. When you click one, you can visit
either the Widgets page or the Custom Menu
page in your Dashboard. Additionally, on the
right side of the admin bar is a search form
that you can use to search for items on your
site by using keywords.
Again, the admin bar is seen only by you at the top of your site, no matter what page you’re on, as long as you are logged in to your WordPress site.


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