Monday 22 July 2013

Recent Comments


The module below the Right Now module is the Recent Comments module, as shown in Figure 1-3. Within this module, you find

✦ The most recent comments published to your blog: WordPress displays
a maximum of five comments in this area.

✦ The author of each comment: The name of the person who left the
comment. This section also displays the author’s picture (or avatar),
if he or she has one.

✦ A link to the post the comment was left on: The post title appears to
the right of the commenter’s name. Click the link, and you go to that
post in the Admin panel.

✦ An excerpt of the comment: A short snippet of the comment left on
your blog.

✦ Comment management links: When you hover on the comment with your
mouse cursor, five links appear below the comment. These links give you
the opportunity to manage those comments right from your Dashboard:
The first link is Unapprove, which appears only if you have comment mod-
eration turned on. (Find out more about moderating comments in Book III,
Chapter 5). The other four links are Edit, Reply, Spam, and Trash.


✦ View All button: This button invites you to see all the comments on
your blog. Clicking the View All button takes you to the Edit Comments

page, where you can view, edit, moderate, or delete any comments on your blog.




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