Monday 22 July 2013

Incoming Links

 The module below the Recent Comments module in the Dashboard is

Incoming Links. It lists all the blog-savvy people who wrote a blog post that
links to your blog. When your blog is brand new, you won’t see any incoming
links listed in this section. Don’t despair, however; as time goes on, you’ll
see this listing of links fill up while more and more people discover you and
your inspired writings!

In the meantime, the Incoming Links module shows, “This dashboard widget
queries Google Blog Search so that when another blog links to your site it
will show up here. It has found no incoming links . . . yet. It’s okay — there is
no rush.” The phrase Google Blog Search is a link; when you click it, you go
to the Google Blog Search directory, which is a search engine for blogs only.

Follow these steps to edit the Incoming Links module:

1. Hover your mouse on the title of the Incoming Links module.

A new link labeled Configure appears directly to the right of the Incoming Links title.

2. Click the Configure link.

The Incoming Links module expands and you see settings that you can configure (see Figure 1-4).

3. Add a URL in the Enter the RSS Feed URL Here text box.

You can enter the URL of any RSS feed that you want to display incoming
links to your site. Examples of feeds you can use include such sources
as Technorati (, Yahoo! Search (http://, or Social Mention (
You’re not restricted to using the Google Blog Search engine (http:// to provide your Incoming Links information.

4. Select how many items you want to display from the drop-down list.

The default is 5, but you can display up to 20 items (incoming links).

5. Check the Display Item Date box if you want each incoming link to
display the date the link was created.

If you don’t want the date display, leave that box blank.

6. Click the Submit button to save all your preferences.

Clicking Submit resets the Incoming Links module with your new settings saved.


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