Upgrading WordPress Manually
The second and least used method of upgrading WordPress is the manual
method. The method is least used mainly because the automatic method, dis-
cussed in the preceding section, is so quick and easy to accomplish. However,
certain circumstances — probably related to the inability of your hosting envi-
ronment to accommodate the automatic method — exist where you can man-
ually upgrade WordPress, so we include the description of the process here.
To upgrade WordPress manually:
1. Back up your WordPress Web site and deactivate all plugins.
Refer to Steps 1 and 2 in the preceding “Upgrading WordPress Automatically” section.
2. Navigate to the WordPress Updates page by clicking the Please
Update Now link.
3. Click the Download button.
This opens a dialog box that allows you to save the .zip file of the
latest WordPress download package to your local computer, as shown in Figure 6-6.
4. Select a location to store the download package and click Save.
The .zip file downloads to your selected location on your computer.
5. Browse to the .zip file on your computer.
6. Unzip the file.
Use a program like WinZip (
7. Connect to your Web server via FTP.
See Book II, Chapter 2 for a refresher on how to use FTP.
8. Delete all the files and folders in your existing WordPress installation
except the following:
• /wp-content folder
• .htaccess
• wp-config.php
9. Upload the contents of the /wordpress folder to your Web server —
not the folder itself.
Most FTP client software lets you select all the files to drag and drop them to your Web server. Other programs have you highlight the files and click a Transfer button.
10. Navigate to the following URL on your Website: http://
Don’t panic — your database still needs to be upgraded to the latest ver-
sion; so instead of seeing your Web site on your domain, you see a message
telling you that a database upgrade is required, as shown in Figure 6-7.
11. Click the Upgrade WordPress Database button.
WordPress initiates the upgrade of the MySQL database associated with your Web site. When the database upgrade is complete, the page refreshes and displays a message that the process has finished.
12. Click the Continue button.
Your browser loads the WordPress login page. The upgrade is complete
and you can continue using WordPress with the newly upgraded features