Monday 22 July 2013

Getting Notified of an Available Upgrade

Say you have WordPress installed and you’ve been happily publishing content to your Web site with it for several weeks, maybe even months, then one day you log in to your Dashboard and see a message at the top of your screen you’ve never seen before that reads, “WordPress X.X.X is available! Please update now.” (Figure 6-2 shows the message and a small black circle, or notification bubble, on the left side of the page.)


Both the message at the top of the page and the notification bubble in the

Dashboard menu are visual indicators that you’re using an outdated version of WordPress and that you can (and need to) upgrade the software.

The message at the top of your Dashboard includes two links that you can
click for more information. (Refer to Figure 6-2.) The first is a link called
WordPress 3.0.1. Clicking this link takes you to the WordPress Codex page
titled Version 3.0.1, which is filled with information about the version
upgrade, including


✦ Installation/upgrade information

✦ Summary of the development cycle for this version ✦ List of files that have been revised



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