Friday 19 July 2013

Editing files by using FTP

You will run into situations where you need to edit certain files that live on

your Web server. You can use the methods described in the preceding sec-
tion to download a file, open it, edit it, save it, and then upload it back to
your Web server. That is one way to do it. Another way is to use the built-in
edit feature that exists in most FTP client software, by following these steps:


1. Connect the FTP client to your Web server.

2. Locate the file you want to edit.

3. Open the file by using the internal FTP editor.

Right-click the file with your mouse and choose View/Edit. (Remember I’m using FileZilla; your FTP client may name it differently, such as Open or Edit.) Usually, the FTP client will use a program that already exists on your computer — such as Notepad for a PC or TextMate for Mac — to edit the files. In some rare cases, your FTP client software may have its own internal text editor. FileZilla uses a program designated for text editing that already exists on your computer

Tuesday 16 July 2013

10. Click the Connect button.

This connects your computer to your Web server. The directory of folders and files from your local computer display on the left side of the

FileZilla FTP client window, and the directory of folders and files on your Web server display on the right side, as shown in Figure 2-5.

Now you can take advantage of all the tools and features FTP has to offer you!

Finding and Using Free and Easy FTP Programs. Transferring files from point A to point B

Now that your local computer is connected to your Web server, transferring
files between the two couldn’t be easier. Within the FTP client software, you
can browse the directories and folders on your local computer on the left
side and browse the directories and folders on your Web server on the right

FTP clients make it easy to transfer files from your computer to your hosting
account by using a drag-and-drop method. Two methods of transferring
files are

✦ Uploading: Generally, transferring files from your local computer to

your Web server. To upload a file from your computer to your Web

server, click the file you want to transfer from your local computer and drag and drop it onto the right side (the Web server side).

✦ Downloading: Transferring files from your Web server to your local

computer. To download a file from your Web server to your local computer, click the file you want to transfer from your Web server and drag and drop it onto to the left side (the local computer side).

Downloading files from your Web server is a very efficient, easy, and smart way of backing up files to your local computer. It’s always a good idea to keep your files safe, especially things like theme files and plugins

4. Enter the FTP server in the Host field.

Host is the same as the FTP server information provided to you when you set up the FTP account on your Web server. In the example, the FTP server is, so that’s entered in the Host field, as shown in Figure 2-4.

5. Enter the FTP port in the Port field.

In the previous example, the FTP port is 21. Typically, in most host-
ing environments, FTP uses port 21 and this never changes. However,

double-check your port number and enter it in the Port field, as shown in Figure 2-4.

6. Select the server type.

FileZilla asks you to select a server type (as do most FTP clients). Select FTP - File Transfer Protocol from the Server Type drop-down menu, as shown in Figure 2-4.

7. Select the logon type.

FileZilla gives you several different logon types to choose from (as do
most FTP clients). Select Normal from the Logon Type drop-down menu.

8. Enter your username in the Username field.

This is the username given to you in the FTP settings. In the example, the username is

9. Type your password in the Password field.

This is the password given to you in the FTP settings. In the example, the password is {W?$s((7Tqi.

Finding and Using Free and Easy FTP Programs

FTP Username: Password: yourpassword

FTP Server: FTP Server Port: 21

Quota: Unlimited MB

Figure 2-2:


FTP client

This is where you need that information. To connect to your Web server via the FileZilla FTP client, follow these few steps:

1. Open the FTP client software on your local computer.

Locate the program on your computer and click (or double-click) the program icon to launch the program.

2. Choose File➪Site Manager to open the Site Manager utility.
The Site Manger utility appears, as shown in Figure 2-3.

3. Click the New Site button.

You can give the new site a name, so type a name that helps you identify the site. This site name can be anything you want it to be because it isn’t part of the connection data you add in the next steps. (In Figure 2-4, you see My Site — original, we know.)

Connecting to the Web Server via FTP


For the purposes of this chapter, we use the FileZilla FTP client (http:// because it’s very easy to use,
and the cost is free ninety-nine (that’s open source geek-speak for free!).

Figure 2-2 shows a FileZilla client that’s not connected to a server. By default, the left side of the window displays a directory of files and folders on the local computer.

The right side of the window displays content when the FileZilla client is
connected to a Web server, specifically, directories of the Web server’s fold-
ers and files.

If you use a different FTP client software than FileZilla, the steps and look of the software will differ, and you will need to adapt your steps and practice for the specific FTP client software you are using.

Connecting to a Web server is an easy process. Remember the FTP settings you saved from Step 7 in the previous section?

Saturday 13 July 2013

Finding and Using Free and Easy FTP Programs

Finding and Using Free and Easy FTP Programs

FTP programs are referred to as FTP clients or FTP client software. Whatever
you decide to call it, an FTP client is software that you use to connect to
your Web server to view, open, edit, and transfer files to and from your Web

Using FTP to transfer files requires an FTP client. Many FTP clients are available for download. Here are some good (and free) ones:




✦ SmartFTP:

✦ FileZilla:
✦ Cyberduck (for Mac users):

✦ FTP Explorer:


7. Set the following settings:

FTP Username, Password, and FTP Server are specific to your domain and the information you entered in the preceding steps.

•  FTP Username:

•  Password: yourpassword

•  FTP Server:

•  FTP Server Port: 21

•  Quota: Unlimited MB

Ninety-nine point nine percent of the time, the FTP Server Port will be 21 —
be sure to double-check your FTP settings to make sure that this is the case.

At any time, you can revisit the FTP Accounts page to delete the FTP

accounts you’ve created, change the quota, change the password, and find the connection details specific to that account.

Check the Strength indicator

Check the Strength indicator.

The server tells you if your password is Very Weak, Weak, Good, Strong, or Very Strong (refer to Figure 2-1). You want to have a very strong password for your FTP account that’s very hard for hackers and malicious Internet users to guess and crack.

4. Type the directory access for this FTP user.

Leaving this field blank gives this new FTP user access to the root level of your hosting account, which, as the site owner, you want. So leave this field blank. (In the future, if you set up FTP accounts for other users, you can lock down their access to your hosting directory by indicating which directory the FTP user has access to.)

5. Indicate the space limitations in the Quota field.

Because you’re the site owner, leave the radio button selection to

Unlimited. (In the future, if you add a new FTP user, you can limit the

amount of space, in Megabytes (MB) by selecting the radio button to the
left of the text field and typing the numeric amount in the text box; for
example: 50MB.)

6. Click the Create FTP Account button.

A new screen with a message that the account was created successfully
appears. Additionally, the settings for this new FTP account appear,
which you should copy and paste into a blank text editor window (like
Notepad for PC, or TextMate for Mac users). The settings for the FTP
account are the connection details you need to connect to your Web
server via FTP.

FTP Accounts page doesn’t display a default FTP user in the Account

If the FTP Accounts page doesn’t display a default FTP user in the Account
Management section, you can create one easily in the Add FTP Account

1. Type your desired username in the Login field.

This creates the username of (where username is the desired username you typed and is your specific domain name).

2. Type your desired password in the Password field.

You can choose to type in your own password or click the Password
Generator button to have the server generate a secure password for
you. Retype the password in the Password (Again) field to validate.

FTP account

View the existing FTP account. If your hosting provider automatically sets you up with an FTP account, then you will see it listed in the Account Management section. Ninetynine percent of the time, the default FTP account uses the same username and password combination as your hosting account or the login information you used to log in to your cPanel in Step 1.

Advanced Steps

1. Log in to the cPanel for your hosting account.

Typically, you’ll browse to to bring
up the login screen for your cPanel. Enter your specific hosting account username and password in the login fields and click OK.

2. Browse to the FTP Accounts page.

Click the FTP Accounts link or icon in your cPanel to open the FTP Accounts page shown in Figure 2-1.

Setting Up FTP on Your Hosting Account

Many Web hosts today offer FTP as part of their hosting packages, so just confirm that your hosting provider makes FTP available to you for your
account. In Book II, Chapter 1, we mention the hosting account management interface called cPanel. cPanel is by far the most popular hosting account management software used by hosts on the Web, eclipsing other popular tools, such as Plesk and NetAdmin.

In this chapter, we use cPanel as the example. If your hosting provider gives you a different interface to work with, the concepts are still the same, but you’ll need to refer to your hosting provider for the specifics to adapt these directions to your specific environment.

Mostly, the FTP for your hosting account is set up automatically. Figure 2-1 shows you the FTP Accounts page in cPanel

Setting Up FTP on Your Hosting Account

✦ View files: After you log in via FTP, you can see all the files that are
located on your Web server.

✦ View Date Modified: You can see the date a file was last modified, which
can sometimes be helpful when trying to troubleshoot problems.

✦ View file size: You can see the size of each file on your Web server,

which is helpful if you need to manage the disk space on your account.

✦ Edit files: Almost all FTP clients allow you to open and edit files through
the client interface, which is a convenient way to get the job done.

✦ Change permissions: Commonly referred to as CHMOD, it controls what
type of read/write/execute permissions the files on your Web server

FTP is a convenient utility that gives you access to the files located on your Web server, making managing your WordPress Web site a bit easier.

Introducing FTP Concepts

This section introduces you to the basic elements of File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The ability to use FTP with your hosting account is a given for almost every Web host on the market today. FTP is a way of moving files from one place to another, such as:

✦ Uploading: Transferring files from your local computer to your Web

✦ Downloading: Transferring files from your Web server to your local

You can do several other things with FTP, including the following, which we discuss later in this chapter: " height="319" width="28">

Using File Transfer Protocol




Throughout this entire book, you run into the term FTP. FTP (File
Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol used to copy files from one


host to another over the Internet. With FTP, you can perform various tasks, including uploading and downloading WordPress files, editing files, and changing permissions on files.

Read this chapter to familiarize yourself with FTP, understand what it is and
how to use it, and discover some free, easy-to-use FTP clients or programs
that make your life as a WordPress Web site owner much easier. If you run
across sections in this book that ask you to perform certain tasks by using
FTP, you can refer to this chapter to refresh your memory on how to do it, if