Saturday 13 July 2013

Check the Strength indicator

Check the Strength indicator.

The server tells you if your password is Very Weak, Weak, Good, Strong, or Very Strong (refer to Figure 2-1). You want to have a very strong password for your FTP account that’s very hard for hackers and malicious Internet users to guess and crack.

4. Type the directory access for this FTP user.

Leaving this field blank gives this new FTP user access to the root level of your hosting account, which, as the site owner, you want. So leave this field blank. (In the future, if you set up FTP accounts for other users, you can lock down their access to your hosting directory by indicating which directory the FTP user has access to.)

5. Indicate the space limitations in the Quota field.

Because you’re the site owner, leave the radio button selection to

Unlimited. (In the future, if you add a new FTP user, you can limit the

amount of space, in Megabytes (MB) by selecting the radio button to the
left of the text field and typing the numeric amount in the text box; for
example: 50MB.)

6. Click the Create FTP Account button.

A new screen with a message that the account was created successfully
appears. Additionally, the settings for this new FTP account appear,
which you should copy and paste into a blank text editor window (like
Notepad for PC, or TextMate for Mac users). The settings for the FTP
account are the connection details you need to connect to your Web
server via FTP.


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