Monday, 22 July 2013

Using a plugin to back up and move to a new host


BackupBuddy is a plugin that moves a WordPress Web site from one hosting environment to another. This plugin is not free or available in the WordPress Plugin Directory, but it’s worth every penny because it takes the entire

backup and migration process and makes mincemeat out of it — meaning, it makes moving the site easy to accomplish and can be done in minutesrather than hours. Follow these steps to use this plugin to move your site to a new hosting server:

1. Purchase and download the BackupBuddy plugin from http://

At this time, the cost for the plugin starts at $45.

2. Install the plugin on your current WordPress Web site.

By current, I mean the old one, not the new hosting account yet.

3. Activate the plugin on your WordPress Dashboard.

Choose Plugins in the navigation menu and then click the Activate link under the BackupBuddy plugin name.

4. Navigate to the Backups section on the BackupBuddy options page.
Click the Backups link in the BackupBuddy menu.

5. Click the Full Backup button.

This initiates a full backup of your database, files, and content and wraps it neatly into one .zip file for you to store on your local computer.

6. Download the importbuddy.php file.

Click the importbuddy.php file on the Backups page and download it to your local computer, preferably in the same directory as the backup file you downloaded in Step 5.

7. Connect to your new Web server via FTP.

8. Upload the file and the importbuddy.php file.

These files should be uploaded in the root, or top level, directory on your
Web server (on some Web servers this is the /public_html folder; on
others it might be the /httpdocs folder — if you’re unsure what your
root directory is, your hosting provider should be able to tell you).

9. Create a new database on your new hosting account.

The steps for creating a database are found in the previous posts.

10. Navigate to the importbuddy.php file in your Web browser.

The URL for this looks similar to

11. The BackupBuddy page loads in your Web browser.

Follow the steps to import the backup file and install WordPress, including the database information needed: database username, name, password, and host. This entire process takes about five to ten minutes,
maybe more depending on the size of your Web site.

12. Load your Web site in your Web browser.

After BackupBuddy does its thing, your Web site is ready to use
like always.


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