Monday 22 July 2013

Understanding and choosing a Web browser

Knowing which Web browser to use as your primary browser can be confus-

ing because there are so many browser systems available. Everyone has a
favorite browser, and if you don’t already, you’ll find one that emerges as
your favorite for one reason or another. Each browser system has a different
look and feel, as well as different features and tools that make one of them
your preferred browser of choice.

One thing you need to keep in mind, however, is that it doesn’t matter which
browser you use as your preferred browser for Internet surfing. However,
having access to all major browsers is essential so you can test and view
your Web designs in different browsers to make sure that they render and
look the same.

If you can, download and install all the browsers in this chapter to your computer so you have them readily available to test your designs across them. Some browsers work only on a Mac or a Windows system, so use the ones that are for your system.


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