Wednesday 24 July 2013

Tools to manage multi-author blog posts

The plugins listed in this section can help you, the site Administrator,
manage your group of authors and registered users by giving you some tools to track users’ activity, list their posts, and stay up-to-date and notified when your authors publish new content:

✦ Co-Authors Plus (
authors-plus/faq): This plugin allows you to assign multiple authors to one post, which you may find especially helpful when you have more than one author collaborating on one article, allowing the authors to share the byline and credit.
✦ Author Complete Post List (
plugins/author-complete-post-list): This plugin provides a very easy way to show a complete list of an author’s posts, enabling you to display an archive page per author.
✦ Custom Author Byline (
custom-author-byline): This plugin adds a custom author byline
module below the Post Editor on the Add New Posts page, which
enables you to include the name of an author who’s not a registered
member of your site (helpful when you need to give credit to
✦ Pending Post Notifier (
wp-pending-post-notifier): This plugin simply sends an e-mail
to the site Administrator whenever posts are ready for review. For
example, when a user who has the role of Contributor writes and saves
a post, an e-mail is sent to the Administrator, telling him that new posts
are awaiting his review.
✦ Audit Trail (
trail): This plugin records the actions of the registered users on
your site, such as when they log in or log out, when they publish posts
and pages, and when they visit pages within your site. As the site
Administrator, you can keep track of the actions your authors and users
take on your Web site.


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