Friday, 19 July 2013

Setting up the MySQL database

7. Choose a username and password for your database, enter them in
the Username and Password text boxes, and then click the Create
User button.
A confirmation message appears stating that the username was created with the password you specified.
For security reasons, make sure that your password isn’t something that
sneaky hackers can easily guess. Give your database a name that you’ll
remember later. This practice is especially helpful if you run more than
one MySQL database in your account. For instance, if you name a data-
base WordPress or wpblog, you can be reasonably certain a year from
now when you want to access your database to make some configura-
tion changes that you know exactly which credentials to use.
Make sure that you note the database name, username, and password
that you set up during this process. You need them in the section
“Running the installation script” later in this chapter before officially
installing WordPress on your Web server. Jot them down on a piece of paper, or copy and paste them into a text editor window; either way, make sure that you have them handy.


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