Sunday, 21 July 2013

Moving the wp-content directory

Another directory in your WordPress installation that’s attractive to hackers is the /wp-content folder. Hackers sometimes attack this directory because it holds all your theme and plugin files. If a hacker can exploit any of the code found within those files, she can gain control of your Web site, or at the very least, mess it up a lot.

You can move the /wp-content directory to a location on your Web server
outside the WordPress installation directory, making it a lot harder, if not
impossible, for outside hackers to locate. To move the folder, create a new
folder on your Web server outside the WordPress installation directory and
then, using your FTP program, drag and drop the /wp-content folder to
the new one you just created. In most popular FTP programs, you can right-
click with your mouse and choose New Folder, which allows you to create a
new folder and give it a name.


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