Friday 19 July 2013

Managing Your MySQL Database

✦ wp_postmeta: This includes all posts or pages published to your site
and contains metadata that includes

•  The unique post ID number. (Each blog post has a unique ID number
to set it apart from the others.)

•  The post meta key, meta value (unique numerical identifiers for each
post created on your site), and any custom fields you’ve created for

the post.

✦ wp_posts: This table features the body of any post or page you’ve pub-
lished to your blog, including autosaved revisions and post option set-

tings, such as

•  The post author, date, and time

•  The post title, content, and excerpt

•  The post status (published, draft, or private)

•  The post comment status (open or closed)

•  The post type (page, post, or custom post type)

•  The post comment count


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