Friday 19 July 2013

Installing the WordPress Files

4. Click the New Installation link.

The Install WordPress (1/3) page, shown in Figure 4-3, displays.

5. Select the WordPress installation location by choosing the domain
you want to install WordPress on from the Install on Domain
drop-down list.

6. Type the directory name for installation in the Install in Directory
text field.

Leave this text field empty to install WordPress in the root directory
(, or enter the name of the directory you
want to install WordPress into, such as
wordpress. If you type in this text field, the directory should not exist
on your Web server; if it does, Fantastico tells you that WordPress can’t
be installed.

7. Provide the Admin Access Data info by typing the desired username
in the Administrator Username text field and then typing your desired
password in the Password text field.

These two items are the username and password for the WordPress

administrator, and you use them to log in to the WordPress Dashboard after it’s installed (See Book III, Chapter 1).



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