Saturday 13 July 2013

Getting help with hosting WordPress

Here is a list of some of those providers:

✦ Blogs About Hosting: (shown in Figure 1-2)
✦ Laughing Squid:

✦ BlueHost:

✦ DreamHost:


A few Web hosting providers offer free domain name registration when you
sign up for hosting services. Research this topic and read their terms of ser-
vice because that free domain name may come with conditions. Many of our
clients have gone this route, only to find out a few months later that the Web
hosting provider has full control of the domain name, and the client can’t
move that domain off the host’s servers, either for a set period (usually, a
year or two) or for infinity. It’s always best to have the control in your hands,
not someone else’s, so try to stick with an independent domain registrar,
such as Network Solutions.


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