Saturday 13 July 2013

Finding a Home for Your Blog

Think of your Web host as a garage that you pay to park your car in. The garage gives you the place to store your car (disk space). It even gives you the driveway so that you, and others, can get to and from your car (bandwidth). It won’t, however, fix your rockin’ stereo system (WordPress or any other third-party software application) that you’ve installed — unless you’re willing to pay a few extra bucks for that service.

Most Web hosting providers give you access to a hosting account manager
that allows you to log in to your Web hosting account to manage services.
cPanel is perhaps the most popular management interface, but Plesk and
NetAdmin are still widely used. These management interfaces give you
access to your server logs where you can view such things as bandwidth
and hard disk usage. Get into a habit of checking those things occasionally
to make sure that you stay informed about how much usage your site is
using. Typically, I check monthly.



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