Friday 19 July 2013

Exploring PHP Basics

Here content refers to the data stored in the MySQL database; that is, your
blog posts, pages, comments, links, and options that you set up in the
WordPress Dashboard. However, the theme (or design) you choose to use
for your blog — whether it’s the default theme, one you create, or one you
have custom designed — isn’t part of the content in this case. Theme files
are part of the file system and aren’t stored in the database. Therefore, it’s
a good idea to create and keep a backup of any theme files that you’re cur-
rently using. See Book VI for further information on WordPress theme

When you look for a hosting service, keep an eye out for the hosts that pro-
vide daily backups of your site so that your content (data) won’t be lost in
case something happens. Web hosting providers who offer daily backups as
part of their services can save the day by restoring your site to its original
form. Additionally, Book II, Chapter 5 covers important information about
backing up your Web site.



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