Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Dealing with Comment and Trackback Spam

If you have your options set so that comments aren’t published to your blog

until you approve them, you can approve comments from the Comments
page, as well. Just click the Pending link to list the comments that are pend-
ing moderation. If you have comments and/or trackbacks awaiting modera-
tion, they appear on this page, and you can approve them, mark them as
spam, or delete them.
WordPress immediately notifies you of any comments sitting in the modera-
tion queue, awaiting your action. This notification, which appears on every
single page, is a small circle, or bubble, in the left navigation menu, to the
right of Comments. Figure 5-6 shows that Lisa has 20 comments pending
moderation. She’d better get busy and deal with those comments!


Ugh. The absolute bane of every blogger’s existence is comment and trackback spam. When blogs became the “It” things on the Internet, spammers saw an opportunity. If you’ve ever received spam e-mail, the concept is similar and just as frustrating.


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