Monday 22 July 2013

Creating a backup and moving manually

 In,This Chapter , we provide you with step-by-step instructions on how

to take a backup of your database by using phpMyAdmin. Follow the steps
available in that chapter and you’ll have a backup of your database with all

the recent content you’ve published to your blog. However, when we say content, we mean what you’ve (or someone else has) written or typed into your blog via the WordPress Dashboard, including

✦ Blog posts, pages, and custom post types ✦ Links, categories, and tags

✦ Post and page options, such as excerpts, time and date, custom
fields, categories, tags, and passwords

✦ WordPress settings you configured under the Settings menu in
the Dashboard

✦ All widgets that you created and configured

✦ All plugin options that you configured for the plugins you installed

Other elements of your Web site aren’t stored in the database, which you need to download, via FTP, from your Web server. The following is a list of those elements, including instructions on where to find them and how to download them to your local computer:

✦ Media files: The files you uploaded by using the WordPress media upload
feature, including images, videos, audio files and documents. Media files
are located in the /wp-content/uploads folder. Connect to your Web
server via FTP and download that folder to your local computer.

✦ Plugin files: Although all the plugin settings are stored in the database,
the actual, physical plugin files are not. The plugin files are located in
the /wp-content/plugins folder. Connect to your Web server via FTP
and download that folder to your local computer.

✦ Theme files: Widgets and options you’ve set for your current theme

are stored in the database; however, the physical theme template files, images, and stylesheets are not. They’re stored in the /wp-content/ themes folder. Connect to your Web server via FTP and download that folder to your local computer.


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