Monday, 22 July 2013

Converting templates

Every blogging program has a unique way of delivering content and data to

your blog. Template tags vary from program to program; no two are the same,
and each template file requires conversion if you want to use your template
with your new WordPress blog. In such a case, you have two options:

✦ Convert the template yourself. To accomplish this task, you need to
know WordPress template tags and HTML. If you have a template that
you’re using on another blogging platform and want to convert it for
use with WordPress, you need to swap the original platform tags for
WordPress tags. The information provided in Book VI gives you the
rundown on working with themes, as well as basic WordPress template
tags; you may find that information useful if you plan to attempt a tem-
plate conversion yourself.

✦ Hire an experienced WordPress consultant to do the conversion for
you. See Book I, Chapter 4 for a list of WordPress consultants.

To use your own template, make sure that you saved all the template files, the images, and the stylesheet from your previous blog setup. You need them to convert the template(s) for use in WordPress.

Hundreds of free templates are available for use with WordPress, so it may
be a lot easier to abandon the template you’re currently working with and
find a free WordPress template that you like. If you paid to have a custom
design done for your blog, contact the designer of your theme, and hire him
to perform the template conversion for you. Alternatively, you can hire sev-
eral WordPress consultants to perform the conversion for you — including
yours truly.


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