Saturday 20 July 2013

Common WordPress Installation Problems

Error Message       Common Cause           Solution

500:                         Permissions on           Try setting the permissions (chmod)

Internal                PHP files are set           on the PHP files to 666. If that change

Server                     incorrectly.               doesn’t work, set them to 644. Each

Error                                                                  Web server has different settings for

how it lets PHP execute on its servers.

404: Page              The URL for the           Double-check that the URL you’re

Not Found            login page is incor-   using to get to the login page is

rect.                         the same as the location of your

WordPress installation (such as


403:                         An index.html           WordPress is a PHP application, so

Forbidden             or index.htm               the default home page is index.

Access                    file exists in the        php. Look in the WordPress installa-

WordPress instal-     tion folder on your Web server. If an

lation directory.         index.html or index.htm file

is there, delete it.



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