Tuesday 23 July 2013

Comment Blacklist

In this section, type a list of words, URLs, e-mail addresses, and/or IP
addresses that you want to flat-out ban from your blog. Items placed here

don’t even make it into your comment moderation queue; the WordPress
system filters them as spam. We’d give examples of blacklist words, but the
words we’ve placed in our blacklists aren’t family-friendly and have no place in a nice book like this one.

What are avatars, and how do
they relate to WordPress?

An avatar is an online graphical representa-
tion of an individual. It’s a small graphic icon
that people use to visually represent them-
selves on the Web in areas they participate in
conversations, such as discussion forums and
blog comments. Gravatars are globally recog-
nized avatars; they are avatars that you can
take with you wherever you go. They appear
alongside blog comments, blog posts, and
discussion forums as long as the site you’re

interacting with is Gravatar-enabled. In October
2007, Automattic, the core group behind the
WordPress platform, purchased the Gravatar
service and integrated it into WordPress so
that all could enjoy and benefit from the service.
Gravatars are not automatic; you need to sign
up for an account with Gravatar so that you can
receive an avatar, via your e-mail address. Find
out more about Gravatar by visiting http://


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