Wednesday 24 July 2013

Comment and trackback display

Almost every single WordPress theme displays comments at the bottom of
each post published in WordPress. You can do custom styling of the com-
ments so that they match the design of your site by using several items:
✦ WordPress template tags: Tags related to the display of comments and
trackbacks. For more on these tags, see Book VI, Chapter 3.
✦ Basic HTML: Using HTML markup helps you provide unique styles to
display content. For information about the use of basic HTML.

✦ CSS: Every WordPress theme has a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) template
called style.css. Within this CSS template, you define the styles and
CSS markup that creates a custom look and feel for the comment and
trackback display on your site. You can find more information about
using CSS .

✦ Graphics: Using graphics to enhance and define your branding, style,
and visual design is an integral part of Web design. Because we can’t
fully cover graphic design in a single chapter, you may want to check
out WordPress Web Design For Dummies, which Lisa wrote, for great
information on graphic and Web-site design with WordPress (published
by Wiley).

✦ WordPress widgets: WordPress has a built-in widget to display the most
recent comments published to your site by your visitors. You also can
find several plugins that display comments in different ways, including
top comments, most popular posts based on the number of comments,
comments that display the author’s photo, and more. For information
about widgets and plugins for these purposes.


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