Friday 19 July 2013

Click the Install WordPress button

9. Click the Install WordPress button.

The Install WordPress (2/3) page displays with several messages. The
Fantastico script installer creates the MySQL database for you and dis-
plays the name of the database. This page also displays a confirmation
message on the domain and directory that WordPress is installed into.

10. Click the Finish Installation button.

The page refreshes in your browser and Fantastico displays a message confirming the success of the WordPress installation and displays the login URL, username, and password.

If you enter your own e-mail address in the Email the Details of This

Installation To text field and then click the Send E-mail button, the URL, username, and password are sent to your inbox for safe storage. (This is an optional feature, but we strongly recommend doing this in case your browser crashes and you lose the information.)

Your WordPress installation via Fantastico is complete, and you’re ready to start using WordPress on your Web server. If you installed WordPress by using the Fantastico method and don’t want to review the steps to install WordPress manually, flip to Chapter 5 in this minibook to optimize your WordPress installation for performance and security.


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