Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Create an E-book of Wikipedia Articles

Wikipedia has recently created a new feature that allows its readers to create E books of the articles what they want.The wikipedia is accessed on mobiles,e-readers and tablets by a new and made easy feature called "EPUB export feature."
This feature allows the wikipedia users to access the wikipedia usres to access the articles whwnever they are not having their internet connection.

The mobile director of Wikimedia has recently said that this is a great relief that Wikipedia can now be accessed as a file in offline access.Thanks to Wikipedia for its availability in offline access.The Wikipedia offline access availability will be seen as Wikipedia in areas where there is rare internet connectivity.

To creaye an e-book of your favourite articles you will have to sign up for book creator and after if there will be an option to include the current article into your e-book that you are currently viewing.Select pages and create your E-book.


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