Wednesday 24 July 2013

Displaying Link Lists on Your Site

With the different options you have available with the Link feature (categories, images, RSS feeds, and so on), you can display a simple listing of links in your sidebar by using widgets, or you can create a full page dedicated to your links in your Dashboard’s link lists.
Some site owners use the Link feature to create a full-blown link directory on
their sites, which you can easily do by using link categories, images, descrip-
tions, and so on. Following the instructions provided in this chapter, you
can create your link categories, add your links to the categories, and then
display them on a page by using different template tags that are available in

A page of resource links on a business Web site. You
can create this kind of page by using the Image Address on the Add New
Link page in your Dashboard, discussed previously in this chapter. Figure
6-6 shows another way of displaying a listing of links that appears more like
a directory than just a simple list. This page was made possible by creating
several link categories, assigning links to the categories, and then (with a

simple WordPress template tag and a little CSS magic) creating the page to display the links like a directory page.


Editing existing links

You can edit the links in your blog by clicking the name of the link you want to edit on the Links page; the Edit Links page opens.
When you first view the Links page, some links are already assigned to your
blog. By default, WordPress provides seven links in your link list. These links
go to some helpful Web sites that contain information and resources for the
WordPress software. You can delete these links, but we recommend saving
them for future reference.

Here’s what you can do with your links:

✦ Edit an existing link. Click the name of the link you want to edit. The
Edit Link page opens. Edit the fields you need to change, and then click
the Save button at the top right of the page.
✦ Sort the links. Select Link ID, Name, Address, or Rating from the Order
by Name drop-down list. Likewise, you can sort your links by category
by selecting the Link Category you want from the View All Categories
drop-down list.
✦ Search for specific links by using keywords and phrases. Enter your
keyword in the text box at the top-right side of the Edit Links page and
click the Search Links button. If any links match the keywords and/or
phrase you typed, those links appear on the page.

Organizing Your Links

Sometimes, having a large list of links below the Blogroll heading is just too
generic, and you may want to display groups of links with different headings
that further define them. Like with posts, you can create multiple categories
for your links in the WordPress Dashboard if you want to have more than
one link list.
By default, WordPress provides one link category called Blogroll. You can
keep this name as-is or change it by using the same method you use to
change a post category name (for more on changing the name of a category,
see Book III, Chapter 7) — simply click the name of the link category to view
the Edit Link Category page and edit the details however you want.

You can organize your links by creating link categories in the Dashboard
and then assigning links to the appropriate categories. To create link categories, follow these steps:

1. Click the down arrow to the right of Links menu title in the left navi-

gation menu, and then select Link Categories from the drop-down list
that appears.
The Link Categories page opens, as shown in Figure 6-1. The left side of the Link Categories page displays the Add Link Category section.

2. Type the name of the link category in the Link Category Name text

3. Type the slug of the link category in the Link Category Slug text box.
The term slug refers to the word(s) used in the Web address for the specific category.
4. (Optional) Type a description of the link category in the Description
text box.
Providing a description further defines the category for your readers.
You can make the description as short or as long as you want. Some
WordPress themes are set up to actually display the category descrip-
tion directly beneath the category name (check out Book VI for informa-
tion on template tags that allow you to add category descriptions).

5. Click the Add Category button.

The Link Categories page refreshes and displays your new link category.

You can create an unlimited amount of link categories to sort your link lists
by topics. (We know one blogger who has 50 categories for his links.) Revisit
the Link Categories page any time you want to add, edit, or delete a link. To
edit or delete a link category, hover your mouse over the link category you
want to manage, and then click one of the three links that appears below the
link category name:
✦ Edit: Open the Edit Category page, where you can edit the name, slug,
and description of the category.
✦ Quick Edit: Opens an inline menu (the menu drops down without leav-
ing the Link Categories page) on the Link Categories page, where you
can edit the name and slug of the category.
✦ Delete: Delete the link category completely, but not before confirming
your decision to delete the category in question by clicking OK on the
message that pops up.
Adding new links
After you create your link categories, you just need to add some new links! Book III
To add a new link, follow these steps: Chapter 6
1. Click Add New in the Links drop-down list.
The Add New Link page opens, as shown in Figure 6-2.
2. Type the name of the link in the Name text box.
Enter the actual name of the site that you’re adding to your link list.
3. Type the URL of the link in the Web Address text box.
You want your visitors to go to this destination when they click the
name of the site. Don’t forget to include the http:// part of the Web
address (, for example).
4. (Optional) Type a description of the site in the Description text box.
Providing a description helps further define the site for your readers. Some WordPress templates display the link description directly below the link name by using a specific WordPress template tag.
5. (Optional) Assign your new link to a category by selecting the check
box to the left of the category in the Categories module.
If you don’t select a category for your new link, that link is automatically assigned to the default category. Figure 6-3 shows the list of link categories that Lisa has in her blog.
If you don’t use the Link Category option regularly, you can collapse

(close) this module by clicking anywhere in the Categories title bar. You can also move the Categories module to a different position on the Add New Link page by dragging and dropping it to a new location.
6. (Optional) Select a target for your new link by selecting a radio button
in the Target module.
Select one of the following radio buttons:

• _blank: Loads the link in a new browser window

• _top: Loads the link in the top frame (if your site is designed with
• _none: Loads the link in the same browser window as the one you
are currently browsing in
The third option — None — is the standard/default option here — leaving your visitors to decide how they want to open links on your site. If they want to open a link in a new browser window, they can use their browser tools to make that happen.
You can reposition the Target module by dragging and dropping it to
a new location on the Add New Link page. You can also collapse this
7. (Optional) Set the Link Relationship (XFN) options.
XFN stands for XHTML Friends Network and allows you to indicate the relationship you have with the people you’re linking to by defining how you know, or are associated with, them. Table 6-1 lists the different relationships you can assign to your links.
You can reposition the Link Relationship module by dragging and drop-
ping it to a new location on the Add New Link page. You can also col-
lapse (close) this module.

You have four options in the Advanced module:
• Image Address: In this text box, enter the URL of the picture that you
want to appear next to the link in your link list.
This option associates an image with the link. To use it, you need to
know the direct URL to the image source (such as http://your Figure 6-5 displays the
Resources page on a business Web site; that page uses the
WordPress Links feature to assign image addresses to links.
To find the URL for an image that appears on a Web site, right-
click the image and choose Properties from the pop-up menu that
appears. Copy the image address (URL). The image’s URL starts with
http:// and looks like a Web address. Then paste it into the Image
Address text box in the Add New Link page.
• RSS Address: Add the site’s RSS feed alongside the link that appears
on your site. (Not all WordPress themes accommodate this feature.)
To find the RSS URL of the site you’re linking to, visit that site and
locate the RSS link. (It’s usually listed in the sidebar or footer of the
site.) Right-click the link, and from the pop-up menu that appears,
choose Copy Shortcut (in Internet Explorer) or Copy Link Location
(in Firefox). Then in WordPress, paste the link in the RSS Address
• Notes: Type your notes in the Notes field.
These notes don’t appear on your site, so feel free to enter whatever notes you need to define the details of this link further. A month from now, you may not remember who this person is or why you linked to her, so add notes here to remind yourself.

• Rating: Select a number from the Rating drop-down list to rate how

well you like the link from 0 to 10, 0 being the worst and 10 being the
best. Some WordPress themes display your link list in the order in
which you rate your links, from best to worst.
You can reposition the Advanced module by dragging and dropping it to
a new location on the Add New Link page. You can also collapse (close)
this module.
9. In the Save module, choose whether to make the link public or
To keep the link private, select the Keep This Link Private check box. No one can see the link. If you want the link to appear publicly on your blog, leave that check box deselected.
You can reposition the Save module by dragging and dropping it to a
new location on the Add New Link page. You can also collapse (close)
this module.
10. To save your changes, scroll to the top of the Add New Links page and
click the Add Link button.
The Add New Link page refreshes and displays a message to you that your new link has been added.

Tackling Spam with Akismet

Before blogs came onto the scene, you often saw spammers filling Internet
guest books with their links but not leaving any relevant comments. The
reason is simple: Web sites receive higher rankings in the major search
engines if they have multiple links from other sites. Enter blog software, with
comment and trackback technologies — prime breeding ground for millions
of spammers.
Because comments and trackbacks are published to your site publicly —
and usually with links to the commenters’ Web sites — spammers got their
site links posted on millions of blogs by creating programs that automati-
cally seek Web sites that have commenting systems, and then hammer those
systems with tons of comments that contain links back to their own sites.

No blogger likes spam. In fact, blogging services such as WordPress have
spent untold hours in the name of stopping these spammers in their tracks,
and for the most part, they’ve been successful. Occasionally, however,
spammers sneak through. Many spammers are offensive, and all of them are
frustrating because they don’t contribute to the ongoing conversations that
occur in blogs.
All WordPress installations have one significant thing in common: Akismet, a WordPress plugin.

Tackling Spam with Akismet
It’s our humble opinion that Akismet is the mother of all plugins and that no WordPress blog is complete without a fully activated version of Akismet run-
ning in it.
Apparently, WordPress agrees because the plugin is packaged in every
WordPress software release beginning with version 2.0. Akismet was created by the folks at Automattic, the same folks who brought you the WordPress. com-hosted version.
Akismet is the answer to combating comment and trackback spam. Matt
Mullenweg of Automattic says Akismet is a “collaborative effort to make
comment and trackback spam a non-issue and restore innocence to blog-
ging, so you never have to worry about spam again” (from the Akismet Web site at
Lisa has been blogging since 2002. She started blogging with the Movable
Type blogging platform and moved to WordPress in 2003. While blogging
became more and more popular, comment and trackback spam became
more and more of a nuisance. One morning in 2004, she found that 2,300
pieces of disgusting comment spam had been published to her blog.
Something had to be done! The folks at Automattic did a fine thing with

Akismet. Since the emergence of Akismet, she’s barely had to think about comment or trackback spam except for the few times a month she checks her Akismet spam queue.
We cover the use of plugins in Book VII. However, this chapter wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t show you how to activate and use the Akismet plugin on your site. Book VII covers the use, installation, and management of other plugins for your WordPress site.

Akismet is already included in every WordPress installation, so you don’t
have to worry, at this point, about downloading and installing it because it’s already there. Follow these steps to activate and begin using Akismet:
1. Click the Plugins link in the left navigation menu of the Dashboard to
load the Plugins page.
2. Click the Activate link below the Akismet plugin name and
A yellow box appears at the top of the page, saying Akismet Is Almost
Ready. You Must Enter Your API Key for It to Work (see
Figure 5-7). An API key is a string of numbers and letters that functions
like a unique password given to you by; it’s the key
that allows your application to communicate with your account.

3. Click the link in the yellow box to navigate to the Akismet

Configuration page.
The Akismet Configuration page asks you to enter your Akismet API key.
You can obtain an API key free from your account. If
you’re a professional or corporate user, click the Get Your Key link to
visit the Akismet Web site, where you can purchase an API key.
You need to register for an account on (http://word- in order to get access to a free API key. Be sure to visit the Web site to register your account before you proceed with the following steps.
4. In a new browser window, log in to your account and
click the Edit My Profile link in the menu.
The My Public Profile page opens in your Web browser.
5. Click the API Key and Other Personal Settings link.
The Personal Settings page appears in your Dashboard. Your API key appears at the top of that page, as shown in Figure 5-8. (We blurred out Lisa’s API key.

6. In your Dashboard on the Akismet Configuration page, enter the API

key in the API Key text box and click the Update
Options button to activate the Akismet plugin fully.
A message appears, telling you that your Akismet API key has been
verified. You’re now protected against comment spam because you’re using the Akismet plugin.

Akismet catches spam and throws it into a queue, holding the spam for 15
days and then deleting it from your database. It’s probably worth your while to check the Akismet Spam page once a week to make sure that the plugin hasn’t captured any legitimate comments or trackbacks.
You can rescue those non-spam captured comments and trackbacks by following these steps (after you log in to your WordPress Dashboard):

1. Click Comments in the left navigation menu.
The Comments page appears, displaying a list of the most recent comments on your blog.
2. Click the Spam link.
The Comments page now displays all spam comments that the plugin

3. Browse through the list of spam comments, looking for any comments

or trackbacks that are legitimate.
4. If you locate a comment or trackback that’s legitimate, select the
Approve link directly below the entry.
The comment is marked as legitimate. In other words, WordPress recognizes that you don’t consider this comment to be spam. WordPress then approves the comment and publishes it on your blog.

Check your spam filter often. Lisa just found four legitimate comments
caught in her spam filter; she was able to de-spam them, releasing them from the binds of Akismet and unleashing them upon the world.







Dealing with Comment and Trackback Spam

If you have your options set so that comments aren’t published to your blog

until you approve them, you can approve comments from the Comments
page, as well. Just click the Pending link to list the comments that are pend-
ing moderation. If you have comments and/or trackbacks awaiting modera-
tion, they appear on this page, and you can approve them, mark them as
spam, or delete them.
WordPress immediately notifies you of any comments sitting in the modera-
tion queue, awaiting your action. This notification, which appears on every
single page, is a small circle, or bubble, in the left navigation menu, to the
right of Comments. Figure 5-6 shows that Lisa has 20 comments pending
moderation. She’d better get busy and deal with those comments!


Ugh. The absolute bane of every blogger’s existence is comment and trackback spam. When blogs became the “It” things on the Internet, spammers saw an opportunity. If you’ve ever received spam e-mail, the concept is similar and just as frustrating.

Managing Comments and Trackbacks

When you invite readers to comment on your site, you, as the site admin-
istrator, have full access to manage and edit those comments through the
Comments page, which you can access on your WordPress Dashboard.
To find your comments, click the Comments link on the Comments menu; the Comments page opens.


When you hover over a comment with your mouse, several links appear that give you the opportunity to manage the comment:

✦ Unapprove: This link appears only if you have comment moderation
turned on. Also, it appears only on approved comments. The comment
is placed in the moderation queue, which you can get to by clicking the
Pending link that appears below the Comments page header. The moder-
ation queue is kind of a holding area for comments that haven’t yet been
published to your blog.
✦ Reply: Makes a text box drop down, where you can type and submit
your reply to this person. This feature eliminates the need to load your live site in order to reply to a comment.

✦ Quick Edit: Opens the comment options inline, without ever leaving

the Comments page. You can configure options such as name, e-mail
address, URL, and comment content. Click the Save button to save your
✦ Edit: Opens the Edit Comment page, where you can edit the different
fields, such as name, e-mail address, URL, and comment content
✦ Spam: Marks the comment as spam and marks it as spam in the data-
base, where it will never be heard from again! (Actually, it’s stored in the database as spam; you just don’t see it in your comments list unless you click the Spam link at the top of the Comments page.)
✦ Trash: This link does exactly what it says; it sends the comment to the
trash can and deletes it from your blog. You can access comments that
have been sent to the trash to permanently delete them from your blog,
or restore them.

If you have a lot of comments listed on the Comments page and want to bulk-

edit them, select the check boxes to the left of all the comments you want to
manage; then select one of the following from the Bulk Actions drop-down
list at the top left of the page: Approve, Mark as Spam, Unapprove, or Delete

Comment and trackback display

Almost every single WordPress theme displays comments at the bottom of
each post published in WordPress. You can do custom styling of the com-
ments so that they match the design of your site by using several items:
✦ WordPress template tags: Tags related to the display of comments and
trackbacks. For more on these tags, see Book VI, Chapter 3.
✦ Basic HTML: Using HTML markup helps you provide unique styles to
display content. For information about the use of basic HTML.

✦ CSS: Every WordPress theme has a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) template
called style.css. Within this CSS template, you define the styles and
CSS markup that creates a custom look and feel for the comment and
trackback display on your site. You can find more information about
using CSS .

✦ Graphics: Using graphics to enhance and define your branding, style,
and visual design is an integral part of Web design. Because we can’t
fully cover graphic design in a single chapter, you may want to check
out WordPress Web Design For Dummies, which Lisa wrote, for great
information on graphic and Web-site design with WordPress (published
by Wiley).

✦ WordPress widgets: WordPress has a built-in widget to display the most
recent comments published to your site by your visitors. You also can
find several plugins that display comments in different ways, including
top comments, most popular posts based on the number of comments,
comments that display the author’s photo, and more. For information
about widgets and plugins for these purposes.

Tracking back

The best way to understand trackbacks is to think of them as comments, except for one thing: Trackbacks are comments left on your blog by other blogs, not by actual people. Although this process may sound mysterious, it’s actually perfectly reasonable.
A trackback happens when you make a post on your blog and, within that
post, you provide a link to a post made by another blogger in a different
blog. When you publish that post, your blog sends a sort of electronic
memo to the blog you linked to. That blog receives the memo and posts an
acknowledgment of receipt in a comment within the post that you linked to
on their site.
That memo is sent via a network ping (a tool used to test, or verify, whether
a link is reachable across the Internet) from your site to the site you link
to. This process works as long as both blogs support trackback protocol.
Trackbacks can also come to your site by way of a pingback — which, really,
is the same thing as a trackback, but the terminology varies from blog plat-
form to blog platform.
Sending a trackback to a blog is a nice way of telling the blogger that you
like the information she presented in her blog post. Every blogger appreci-
ates the receipt of trackbacks to their posts from other bloggers. Figure 5-3
shows one trackback link, below the Who’s Linking Here header.

Interacting with Readers through Comments

People can leave notes for you that are published to your site, and you can
respond and engage your readers in conversation about the topic at hand
(refer to Figure 5-1 and Figure 5-2). Having this function in your blog cre-
ates the opportunity to expand the thoughts and ideas that you present in
your blog post by giving your readers the opportunity to share their own
In the WordPress Dashboard, you have full administrative control over who

can and can’t leave comments. In addition, if someone leaves a comment
that has questionable content, you can edit the comment or delete it. You’re
also free to disallow comments on your blog. The Discussion Settings page
in your Dashboard contains all the settings for allowing, or disallowing, com-
ments on your site; flip back to Book III, Chapter 3 to dig into those settings,
what they mean, and how you can use them to configure the exact interac-
tive environment that you want for your site.

Exploring reasons to disallow comments

Under certain circumstances, you may not want to allow readers to leave
comments freely on your site. For example, if you wrote a blog post on a
topic that is considered very controversial, you may not want to invite com-
ments because the topic may incite flame wars, or comments that are insult-
ing to you, or your readers. If you’re not interested in the point of view or
feedback of readers on your site, or if your content doesn’t really lend itself
to reader feedback, you may decide to disallow comments entirely.
In making the decision to have comments, you have to be prepared for the
fact that not everyone is going to agree with what you write; especially if
you’re writing on a topic that invites a wide array of opinions, such as poli-
tics, religion, or op-ed pieces. As a site owner, you make the decision, ahead
of time, whether you want readers dropping in and leaving their own views,
or even disagreeing with you on yours (sometimes vehemently!).

Deciding to Allow Comments on Your Site

Depending on the topic you write about on your blog, allowing comments

ends the message that you, as the author/owner of the site, are open to the

views and opinions of your readers. Having a comment form on your site
that readers can use to leave their feedback on your articles (such as the
one shown in Figure 5-1) is like having a great big Welcome to My Home
sign on your site — it invites users in to share thoughts and participate in

If you want to build a community of people who come back to your site

frequently, respond to as many comments that your readers leave on your

blog as possible. When people take the time to leave you a comment on your
content, they like to know that you’re reading it and they appreciate hearing
your feedback to them. Plus, it keeps discussions lively and active on your
site. Figure 5-2 illustrates what comments look like after they’re published
to your site. (Note: The actual design and layout of the comments on sites
varies from theme to theme; you can find information on theme

Deciding to Allow Comments on Your Site

Some blog users say that a blog without comments isn’t a blog at all
because the point of having a blog, in some minds, is to foster communica-
tion and interaction between the site authors and the readers. This belief is
common in the blogging community because experiencing visitor feedback
via comments is part of what’s made blogging so popular. However, allow-
ing comments is a personal choice, and you don’t have to do it if you don’t
want to.

Tools to manage multi-author blog posts

The plugins listed in this section can help you, the site Administrator,
manage your group of authors and registered users by giving you some tools to track users’ activity, list their posts, and stay up-to-date and notified when your authors publish new content:

✦ Co-Authors Plus (
authors-plus/faq): This plugin allows you to assign multiple authors to one post, which you may find especially helpful when you have more than one author collaborating on one article, allowing the authors to share the byline and credit.
✦ Author Complete Post List (
plugins/author-complete-post-list): This plugin provides a very easy way to show a complete list of an author’s posts, enabling you to display an archive page per author.
✦ Custom Author Byline (
custom-author-byline): This plugin adds a custom author byline
module below the Post Editor on the Add New Posts page, which
enables you to include the name of an author who’s not a registered
member of your site (helpful when you need to give credit to
✦ Pending Post Notifier (
wp-pending-post-notifier): This plugin simply sends an e-mail
to the site Administrator whenever posts are ready for review. For
example, when a user who has the role of Contributor writes and saves
a post, an e-mail is sent to the Administrator, telling him that new posts
are awaiting his review.
✦ Audit Trail (
trail): This plugin records the actions of the registered users on
your site, such as when they log in or log out, when they publish posts
and pages, and when they visit pages within your site. As the site
Administrator, you can keep track of the actions your authors and users
take on your Web site.

Tools to promote author profiles

One way to operate a successful multi-author blog involves taking every
opportunity to promote your authors and their information as much as possible. Authors often get involved in posting content on other Web sites, in addition to yours, for exposure, and the plugins in this list give you tools to promote authors bios, links, social network feeds, and more:

✦ Author Information Widget (
plugins/author-info-widget): This plugin gives you a widget that
you can place in the sidebar of a single post page, displaying the post
author’s name, biography (from the About Me section of the Author
Profile page in the Dashboard), Avatar (author’s photo) and Social
Network and Contact links.
✦ List Authors (
authors): This plugin provides a widget that displays a list of the
authors on your site, where the author’s name is a link to her post
archive. Figure 4-4 displays the List Authors widget with the different
options that you can set for it.

✦ Profile Pic (

pic): This plugin gives your authors the ability to add their own photos
to their profiles on your site, and it provides you with a widget that can
display each author’s photo, as well as his name and a link to his post
✦ Author Spotlight (
author-profile): This plugin provides a widget that you can place
in your sidebar, displaying the profile of the author of the post being
viewed — the author information automatically appears on only a single post page and displays the profile of the author of the post.

✦ Author Based Twitter (
author-based-twitter-widget): This plugin gives your authors the
ability to show their own Twitter feeds in the sidebar by using a handy
widget. The author’s Twitter feed information appears on her post page
only — so authors can promote their own Twitter accounts on your
Web site.


Tools that help authors communicate

When you’re running a multi-author site, communication is crucial for shar-
ing information, giving and receiving inspiration, and making certain that
no two authors are writing the same (or a similar) article on your site. Use
the following tools to help you manage the flow of communication between
everyone involved:

✦ WP Status Notifier (
wp-status-notifier): In the section “Understanding User Roles
and Capabilities,” earlier in this chapter, we mention that the role of
Contributor can write and save posts to your site, but those posts don’t get published to the site until an Administrator approves them. This plugin notifies the Contributor author, via e-mail, when his post is published to (or rejected by) your site.
✦ Editorial Calendar (
editorial-calendar): This plugin gives you an overview of scheduled
posts, post authors, and the dates when you scheduled the posts to
publish to your blog. This plugin can help you prevent multiple author
posts from publishing too close together or, in some cases, right on top
of one another by enabling you to reschedule posts by using a drag-and-
drop interface.
✦ Email Users (
users): This plugin allows you to send e-mails out to all registered users of your blog, and users can send e-mails back and forth to one another by using the plugin interface in the Dashboard. This tool provides the authors and users on your multi-author blog the ability to keep in touch and communicate with one another.
✦ Subscribe to Authors Post Feed (
plugins/subscribe-to-author-posts-feed): This plugin adds
an RSS feed to each author’s post archives, which allows you, other
users, and site visitors to subscribe to that author’s RSS feed so that you
receive immediate notification through your RSS feed reader when the
author publishes new content.
✦ Dashboard Notepad (
dashboard-notepad): This plugin gives you a widget that appears on
your main Dashboard page and allows you and other users (depending
on the user role that you set in the plugin options) to leave notes for
each other. You can use this plugin to ask and answer questions, and to
create to-do lists for your authors.