One way to operate a successful multi-author blog involves taking every
opportunity to promote your authors and their information as much as possible. Authors often get involved in posting content on other Web sites, in addition to yours, for exposure, and the plugins in this list give you tools to promote authors bios, links, social network feeds, and more:
✦ Author Information Widget (
plugins/author-info-widget): This plugin gives you a widget that
you can place in the sidebar of a single post page, displaying the post
author’s name, biography (from the About Me section of the Author
Profile page in the Dashboard), Avatar (author’s photo) and Social
Network and Contact links.
✦ List Authors (
authors): This plugin provides a widget that displays a list of the
authors on your site, where the author’s name is a link to her post
archive. Figure 4-4 displays the List Authors widget with the different
options that you can set for it.
✦ Profile Pic (
pic): This plugin gives your authors the ability to add their own photos
to their profiles on your site, and it provides you with a widget that can
display each author’s photo, as well as his name and a link to his post
✦ Author Spotlight (
author-profile): This plugin provides a widget that you can place
in your sidebar, displaying the profile of the author of the post being
viewed — the author information automatically appears on only a single post page and displays the profile of the author of the post.
✦ Author Based Twitter (
author-based-twitter-widget): This plugin gives your authors the
ability to show their own Twitter feeds in the sidebar by using a handy
widget. The author’s Twitter feed information appears on her post page
only — so authors can promote their own Twitter accounts on your
Web site.
opportunity to promote your authors and their information as much as possible. Authors often get involved in posting content on other Web sites, in addition to yours, for exposure, and the plugins in this list give you tools to promote authors bios, links, social network feeds, and more:
✦ Author Information Widget (
plugins/author-info-widget): This plugin gives you a widget that
you can place in the sidebar of a single post page, displaying the post
author’s name, biography (from the About Me section of the Author
Profile page in the Dashboard), Avatar (author’s photo) and Social
Network and Contact links.
✦ List Authors (
authors): This plugin provides a widget that displays a list of the
authors on your site, where the author’s name is a link to her post
archive. Figure 4-4 displays the List Authors widget with the different
options that you can set for it.
✦ Profile Pic (
pic): This plugin gives your authors the ability to add their own photos
to their profiles on your site, and it provides you with a widget that can
display each author’s photo, as well as his name and a link to his post
✦ Author Spotlight (
author-profile): This plugin provides a widget that you can place
in your sidebar, displaying the profile of the author of the post being
viewed — the author information automatically appears on only a single post page and displays the profile of the author of the post.
✦ Author Based Twitter (
author-based-twitter-widget): This plugin gives your authors the
ability to show their own Twitter feeds in the sidebar by using a handy
widget. The author’s Twitter feed information appears on her post page
only — so authors can promote their own Twitter accounts on your
Web site.