You can arrange the order of the modules in your Dashboard to suit your
tastes. WordPress places a great deal of emphasis on user experience, and a big part of that effort results in your ability to create a Dashboard that you find most useful. You can very easily change the modules to display and the order in which they display.
Follow these steps to move the Right Now module so that it appears on the right side of your Dashboard page:
1. Hover your mouse on the title bar of the Right Now module.
When hovering over the title, your mouse cursor changes to the Move
cursor (a cross with arrows on a PC or the hand cursor on a Mac).
2. Click and hold your mouse button and drag the Right Now module to
the right side of the screen.
While you drag the module, a light-gray box with a dotted border
appears on the right side of your screen. That gray box is a guide that shows you where you can drop the module. See Figure 2-1.
3. Release the mouse button when you have the Right Now module
in place.
The Right Now module is positioned on the right side of your Dashboard page.
The other modules on the right side of the Dashboard have shifted
down, and the Recent Comments Module is the module in the top left of the Dashboard page.
4. (Optional) Click the title bar of the Right Now module.
The module collapses. Click the title bar again to expand the module. You
can keep that module open or closed based on your own preference.
Repeat these steps with each module that you want to move on the
Dashboard by dragging and dropping them so that they appear in the order you prefer.
When you navigate away from the Dashboard, WordPress remembers
the changes you made. When you return, you still see your customized
Dashboard, and you don’t need to redo these changes in the future.