2. Click the Create a Configuration File button.
The Welcome to WordPress page appears, giving you the information you need to proceed with the installation.
3. Click the Let’s Go button at the bottom of that page.
4. Dig out the database name, username, and password that you saved
in the earlier section “Setting up the MySQL database,” and use that
information to fill in the following fields, as shown in Figure 4-6:
• Database Name: Type the database name you used when you created
the MySQL database before this installation. Because hosts differ in
configurations, you need to enter the database name by itself or a combination of your username and the database name, separated by an underscore mark (_).
If you named your database wordpress, for example, you enter that in this text box. If your host requires you to append the database name with your hosting account username, you enter username_ wordpress, substituting your hosting username for username. Lisa’s username is lisasabin, so she enters lisasabin_wordpress.
• User Name: Type the username you used when you created the
MySQL database before this installation. Depending on what your host
requires, you may need to enter a combination of your hosting account username and the database username separated by an underscore
mark (_). In Figure 4-6, you can see both: lisasabin_username.
• Password: Type the password you used when you set up the MySQL
database. You don’t need to append the password to your hosting
account username here.
• Database Host: Ninety-nine percent of the time, you leave this field
set to localhost. Some hosts, depending on their configurations,
have different hosts set for the MySQL database server. If localhost
doesn’t work, you need to contact your hosting provider to find out
the MySQL database host.
• Table Prefix: Leave this field set to wp_.
You can change the table prefix to create an environment secure from outside access. See Chapter 5 for more information.