Saturday 13 July 2013

Finding a Home for Your Blog


After you register your domain, you need to find a place for it to live — a Web host. Web hosting is the second piece of the puzzle that you need to complete before you begin working with

A Web host is a business, a group, or an individual that provides Web server
space and bandwidth for file transfer to Web site owners who don’t have
it. Usually, Web hosting services charge a monthly or annual fee — unless
you’re fortunate enough to know someone who’s willing to give you server
space and bandwidth free. The cost varies from host to host, but you can
obtain quality Web hosting services for $3 to $10 per month to start.

Finding a Home for Your Blog

The next step is obtaining a hosting account, which we cover in the next


Some of the domain registrars have hosting services that you can sign up

for, but you don’t have to use those services. Often, you can find hosting ser-
vices for a lower cost than most domain registrars offer. It just takes a little

Purchase the domain name.


Follow the domain registrar’s steps to purchase the name, using your
credit card. After you complete the checkout process, you receive an

e-mail confirming your purchase, so be sure to use a valid e-mail address during the registration process.

Decide on a domain name.


Doing a little planning and forethought here is necessary. Many people
think of a domain name as a brand — a way of identifying their Web sites
or blogs. Think of potential names for your site and then proceed with
your plan.

Verify the domain name’s availability.


In your Web browser, enter the URL of the domain registrar of your
choice. Look for the section on the registrar’s Web site that lets you
enter the domain name (typically, a short text field) to see whether
it’s available. If the domain name isn’t available as a .com, try .net or

Registering your domain name

✦ GoDaddy:

✦ Network Solutions: ✦ NamesDirect:

No matter where you choose to register your domain name, here are the steps you can take to accomplish this task:

Registering your domain name


Domain registrars are certified and approved by the Internet Corporation for
Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Although hundreds of domain regis-
trars exist, the ones in the following list are popular because of their longev-
ity in the industry, competitive pricing, and the variety of services they offer
in addition to domain name registration (such as Web hosting and Web site
traffic builders):

Establishing Your Domain

When you pay the domain registration fee today, you need to pay another
registration fee when the renewal date comes up again in a year, or two, or
five — however many years you chose to register your domain name for.
(See the nearby “Domain names: Do you own or rent?” sidebar.) Most regis-
trars give you the option of signing up for a service called Auto Renew to
automatically renew your domain name and bill the charges to the credit
card you set up on that account. The registrar sends you a reminder a few
months in advance, telling you it’s time to renew. If you don’t have Auto

Renew set up, you need to log in to your registrar account before it expires and manually renew your domain name.

Considering the cost of a domain name


Registering a domain costs you anywhere from $3 to $30 per year, depending on what service you use for a registrar and what options (such as privacy options and search engine submission services) you apply to your domain name during the registration process.

Understanding domain name extensions

If you want to avert this problem, you can register your domain name

with all available extensions. My business Web site, for example, has the domain name; however, I also own,, and

Understanding domain name extensions

A word to the wise here: Just because you registered your domain as a

.com doesn’t mean that someone else doesn’t, or can’t, own the very same
domain name with a .net. Therefore, if you register,
and the site becomes hugely popular among readers with dogs that have
fleas, someone else can come along, register, and run
a similar site to yours in the hope of riding the coattails of your Web site’s
popularity and readership.


Understanding domain name extensions

When registering a domain name, be aware of the extension that you want. The .com, .net, .org, .info, or .biz extension that you see tagged on to the end of any domain name is the top-level domain extension. When you register your domain name, you’re asked to choose the extension you want for your domain (as long as it’s available, that is).


What does Windows 8.1 reveal? All You Get to Know

Microsoft is putting forth individuals a look at Windows 8.1 in movement politeness of another motion picture. Posted Wednesday on Youtube, and implanted into a Microsoft website, the tour directed by Jensen Harris, Microsoft's executive of project administration for Windows User Experience, shows off crux upgrades to the Start screen, the All Apps screen, and the pursuit apparatus.

Friday 12 July 2013

Securing Your Domain

You've perused all the buildup. You've caught all the bits of hearsay. You've seen the
showy writes on the Web fueled by Wordpress. Be that as it may where do you begin?

Comprehension the Framework Requirements

When you can begin blogging with Wordpress, you need to set up your base camp. Doing so includes more than basically downloading and instating the Wordpress programming. You additionally need to create your area (your web journal location) and your Web hosting administration (the place that houses your website). In spite of the fact that you at first download your Wordpress programming onto your hard drive, you instate it on a Web host.